> Having more than 1 account is forbidden.
> If we find that you are using more than one account, we will
remove your account, no questions
asked. We have a strict Zero Tolerance policy
for cheating.
NOTE: Being a Supporter in no way makes you exempt from the rules, or
qualifies you for special treatment. Any user caught cheating will be dealt
with in the same manner, regardless of their status as a supporter.
> As this is a browser based game & therefore difficult to prevent
cheating we are very strict about
sharing the same computer/internet
> Don't even log into your friends computer/internet connection as
it will show as a multiple account & 1
or both accounts will be banned from
the game.
> We take pride in having a cheat free game.
Outside Programs & Glitches
> Using an outside program, glitch, or any browser tricks (including
plug-ins & auto refresh/load) in
the game to alter the affects of the game is
considering cheating.
> If you are found abusing either one, your account may be removed.
Please report any bugs or glitches
you find in the game. If we find you are a
abusing them, we will have your account disabled.
> Don't ask us to close your account so you can open another. This
is a form of cheating.
> If you open an account, attack somebody, ask us to close it, start
a new one & attack him again is
like using multiple accounts. We will not
close any account. You just have to wait for the new round
to start over from
> If you want to quit just leave & the next round you won't have
any character registered. You would
be able to play other rounds later.
> Do not put in your profile, "get cash from me, free cars
> Do not message people & tell them that your leaking the round
> Anyone who attacks a person who says "I'm leaking" or
"I quit" will have the master account disabled.
> You may not in any way message or tell anyone that your defensive
units or operatives are
happy/unhappy to give them an unfair advantage.
> Do not post or advertise your giving away free money or anything
else for that matter as it will get
you banned from game.
The following scenarios are against the rules:
*Leaving & rejoining a cartel with the intention of letting its
members attack you for purposes of
increasing their networth.
*Kicking someone from your cartel for the purpose of hitting any player
in your cartel & then inviting
them back.
*Dropping out of your own cartel to attack one of your own cartel
members who has a contract on
his/her head & then rejoining the same cartel.
Cheating or game bugs
> If you have any problems, find a bug in the game or found a game
abuser (cheater), let us know
by sending a message to a MobsterGame admin or
moderator so we can take the appropriate action.
> You will be rewarded for
providing us this information.
Attacking & Inactivity
> There are many different strategies to playing TMG. Some players
build, collect & produce to rank.
Some like to lie in wait for others to
collect/produce & then attack them & steal their resources
to rank. Others
like to play the role of spoiler, & attack players just to keep them from
> While this strategy is 100% acceptable, we do require that if a
player choose this method of play,
he/she is required to log in & play the
entire round without consistently going inactive for
extended amounts of time.
> While we respect that players may sometimes have extenuating
circumstances that may cause them
to be away from the game for an extended
amount of time, we will not allow a player to spoil
another player's round &
max out on a daily basis or leave for days at a time.
> This is unfair to players who log in consistently to ensure a
productive round. If you don't have the
ability to remain active throughout the
entire round without maxing, do not choose this method of
game play.
*If you choose to be a killer, the allowable inactive time for
Associates is 12 hours &
Made Men/Godfathers on an upgrade will be 18 hours.
> If we are notified that a player is initiating attacks &
surpassing the allowable inactive time, we
will investigate the player in
question to verify the claim.
> If found to be accurate, we will reverse these attacks by giving
the victim(s) their resources back.
> Furthermore, once resources are returned, the following will
1st offense: The attacking player's account will be notated.
2nd offense: Player's account will be notated & a warning will be
3rd offense: Player's account will be locked for one week.
Anything beyond the third offense will result in a permanent ban.
*This rule is in place to stop players from signing in, taking a sole
position of attacking, & then leaving for extended amounts of time. It does
not apply to a player whose attacks are in retaliation to other players
attacking him/her. So, if you attack a player & he/she attacks you back &
then leaves for a couple days, don't contact an admin asking for your resources
back. If you drew first blood, you are not entitled to redemption of your
Hit Contracts & Divesting Units
> Divesting Units is meant to lower your networth in order to get
into range of another player for
the purpose of attacking them.
> Divesting units in order to drop in rank so another player can
attack you for personal gain will not
be tolerated.
> Collusion by hiring hit contracts for no reason other than to
increase another players networth will not
be tolerated. Example: Lets say you
have a friend that's planning to go for a specific rank in the
current round.
> Hiring hit contracts on random players for him/her to take in
order to pad his/her networth will not
be tolerated. (& yes, we can tell the
difference) Contracts should be hired anonymously. Giving
any player an
advanced notice of your intention to hire contracts on another player gives
them an
unfair advantage & will be considered farming.
> You may not collect contracts hired by another member of your
cartel. Leaving your cartel to attack
a contracted player & then rejoining in
order to circumvent this rule will not be tolerated. Any
resources gained by
doing this will be removed from your account.
> Asking other players to sell their resources so you can attack
them for their cash is considered
farming & against the rules.
> Asking players to hire hit contracts on other players for your
personal gain is also considered farming.
> Farming is a bannable offence & will not be tolerated.
> Though this is an 18 & over game, nudity is not allowed on
profiles or family medias.
> Strong sexual content is also not allowed.
> You will be given an opportunity to remove the offensive material
or it may be removed for you.
> If you refuse to replace it or continue to abuse this rule, you
will be removed from the game.
> We are really strict about spammers. Please do not post links to
other MMORPG games on the net,
it’s just out of respect to the programmers who
work hard on this game.
> This includes posting links to sites that contain links to other
> Do not message other players with links to other games. Your
account will be banned permanently
without warning.
> Do not post any attacks on the public boards or in Public chat
> Only share attacks with members of your cartel.
> Do not post derogatory remarks about the game or any of its staff
> If you have any issues with a staff member, contact an admin. If
you are creating drama towards the
game, your posts & posting privileges will
be removed until an admin can be notified.
*We have zero tolerance for this behavior.*
> Players are not allowed to extort turns from another player in any
> Since turns can be purchased with real money, this can cause legal
> A player is free to threaten another player with a 00 at any time
for any reason. However, that
player cannot demand turns not to do so.
> A cartel is free to protect or take over a city by threatening to
destroy other mobsters who travel
there. However, you may not demand turns for
permission to stay there.
Profanity/Racial usernames or comments
> This is a game & games are meant to be fun. If your player name
or cartel name have any profanity
or racist comments in it then you will be
asked to change it or be banned & told why.
> Profiles or profile pics that get complaints will be dealt with
> Since swearing tends to always be an issue on games of this type,
we have a profanity filter built into
the game.
> By default, the filter is turned on for all new users. You may
choose to turn off the filter if profanity
doesn't bother you.
> To disable this feature, simply click on "Account" in
the system area & scroll down to "word filter".
Threatening Posts/Racial/Sexual Comments
> This is a Mafia based game & insults & threats are a part of
that. However, sending messages
or making posts on a messageboard that
personally threatens another player or their livelyhood will
result in you
being removed from the game.
> You are welcome to tell someone you are going to take out them &
their whole cartel (gamewise).
You are not allowed, for example, to tell
someone you know where they live & are coming to get
them or to wish any
diseases on them or their family.
> This is a game & it's meant to be fun. Keep your threats to
within the realm of the game.
> Abusive posts on public boards will not be tolerated. Insulting
someone's race, religion,
mental/physical handicaps or sexual orientation on
public messageboards will result in your removal.
Offensive Private Messages
> Again, this being an 18+ mobster game, there will be offensive
messages flying when players get
> If another player is sending you private messages that are
offensive to you in any way, we have an
Ignore feature built into the game to
take care of this.
> Simply go to the offending players profile, mouse over the
"Actions" tab & click on "Ignore".
> You will receive nothing further from that player.
> The size of cartel/family is currently restricted to 12 members
but may increase as the amount of
registered players increases.
> You are free to have alliances or cartel extension but we are not
responsible for that & do not provide
any tools to handle them.
> Allied cartels & cartel extensions can use the same icon
providing they can be distinguished from
one another.
TMG Casino
> The Mobster Game Poker Room is a free entertainment service for
all of our players. We will
occasionally have tournaments for turn prizes &
giveaways so keep an eye out for system messages.
> Since the poker service is rented from pluginpoker.com & doesn't
belong to TMG, there is no way
for us to regulate it's use.
> Bets for turns are strictly forbidden by pluginpoker therefor any
wagers made between players is at
their own risk.
> Do not come to the moderators or admins about someone not paying
off a bet.
Common Sense
> Just because the rule isn't listed here, doesn’t make it right.
> Please think & use common sense before you take action.
> If you're unsure about whether or not something may be a rules
violation, contact a staff member.
[Reference : themobstergame.com]
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